Thursday, 11 February 2016


Date August 31 immortalized every year as a historic date for all Malaysians regardless of age, ethnicity, race and religion. Anyone who is a Malaysian citizen will feel proud when the last day in the month of August.
 If the first response may be carried out only on 31 August, but now his speech is for a month. This month-long celebration, known as the Moon Festival, held for the purpose of recalling the sacrifices of previous generations who have fought to ensure that their children and grandchildren (that we all exist today) can live in a free, peaceful, prosperous and free. That generation of freedom fighters hope that their offspring will not be colonized and plagued by external forces.

     Actually, the main thing is the anniversary of the independence of this country is for all rakyatMalaysiauntuk translate this response into appreciation, awareness and gratitude. Slogans, cries of independence and public holidays do not bring any effect if rakyatMalaysiatidak live with full awareness and gratitude for the actual independence.

 Appreciation of independence is not just shouted that the word independence, but also means the appreciation and understanding of the meaning and importance of this country's independence. Awareness of independence not only means that we know when and where the celebration was held, but it also means that we realize that this independence must be preserved because our country can be colonized again. Grateful for independence not only means that we are happy with the country's independence, but it also means that we offer thanks to God S.W.T for the gift of freedom that is so valuable.

       This is what needs to be done by the post-independence generation in fact, that is appreciate, recognize and celebrate independence is priceless. In fact, the generation of today is not the difficulty, hardship and bitterness period before independence, both the British colonial period or even the days of the Japanese occupation during World War II.                

 Post-independence generation only know about the period before independence from the history books. Maybe for not being able to appreciate the true meaning of freedom itself, then there is one of the post-independence generation that takes the simple celebrations negara.Adayang consider the date of August 31 just a mere holiday. This is indeed very sad because of the lack of appreciation of the real independence could invite the invaders back to our country.

      We should realize that this can happen colonialism no longer the same as the form of military occupation as a time. Although this old form of colonialism still can happen as we saw happen in some countries in the world, the fact is more dangerous new form of colonialism. This occurs because the new form of colonialism subtle, hidden and unnoticed. Among the new form of colonialism is colonialism thought, culture and economy.

 For this reason, the post-independence generation should be more cautious than the previous generation. Military attack can be seen and challenged again. The question is if the attacks carried out in the form of thought, culture and economy, how can we block it?

     Post-independence generation that was poisoned thinking through a new form of colonialism will fight for Western values ​​that are contrary to Islamic values ​​and Eastern values. The fact is that Western civilization had begun eroding its noble values. There is no longer true Western civilization, that there might be "perbiadaban" Western uphold the values ​​of the inverse of the family institution and social damage.
 Poisoning thought of this new form of colonialism in turn can lead to contamination of the culture. RakyatMalaysiaamat proud of the diversity of cultures and customs of the various nations. This uniqueness can be eroded if the colonial culture that impressed from the process of globalization brought negative cultures evils.

 Economic colonization and no less dangerous. If we look back to the economic downturn in the last years of the 1990s, we are grateful that we do not make the same mistakes as other countries in the East Asia region to receive "drug" offered by the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. What suspected "drug" actually "poison" which is used as a weapon to control and restrain the sovereignty of an independent state.
 Islam actually provide some approach that is able to ensure the continuity of the independence enjoyed by our country. These approaches should be implemented by the post-independence generation that is the majority of these pendudukMalaysiahari. On the shoulders of this generation lies the trust and the responsibility to ensure that our country will continue to be independent and prosperous.

        Islam was also suggested that we prepare ourselves, society and country with any kind of power. In other words, the forces that need to be built not only on the military aspect, but also in terms of economic power, political, and social science. Only the inner strength alone will be able to help defend the country's independence.

 Aspects unity should also be given due consideration by the post-independence generation. In a hadith, the Prophet s.a.w. said that: "Between a believer to another believer is like a building, where one part of strengthening the other." If you translated this tradition in konteksMalaysia, clear to us that we need to create a perfect unity and agreement. If we are divided and bickering among themselves, this would make it easier for enemy aggression on our country.

         It is important for the post-independence generation to appreciate and understand the past. The fall of the Melaka Malay Empire was due to internal disputes and power struggles. As a result, the Portuguese attacked and successfully colonize Melaka. Starting from the second black in 1511, the country had to wait 446 years before the independence.

 We took 446 years for the independence. Now we feel it favors independence for 48 years. Are we prepared to mortgage our independence again? 

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